Thin Film RF Testing Modeling
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RF Testing Capability
ATC // AVX RF test capabilities include full two (2) and four (4) port test measurements using a vector network analyzer. Compensation up to the device under test (DUT) is typically performed with a custom calibration (short-open-loadthrough - SOLT) method to acheive the most accurate measurements possible. When necessary, other methodologies are employed. In addition, specialized test structures are designed and fabricated in-house for specific requirements of the DUT. The typical frequency measurement range is from 50 MHz to 20 GHz with optional testing capability to 40 GHz. An automated in-line data analysis system enables a quick pass-fail sorting process to a frequency-defined template, or provides serialized complete S-Parameter data for the customer.

ATC // AVX models utilize Ansoft HFSS full 3D geometry software. This method uses finite element analysis of the models using tetrahedrons to obtain a 3D design. The combination of the 3D design and selection of appropriate dielectric materials and metalization is critical to the final design. The close correlation between the design, models and materials, offers the advantage of virtual processing. All designs are validated with measurements during the fabrication build process.
Complete Radiation Environmental Simulation

HFSS Simulation Lumped-Element Topology
S-Parameters as Simulated by HFSS (Process line-width sensitivity)